Joe Gomez (author)

Joe gomez

The image changed and now the detector was in someone’s hand. Béla enlarged the image to include the man holding it. He was wearing a dark colored uniform and seemed to be dressed for combat – heavy vest, helmet, some sort of battery pack on his back (a radio?) and he carried a weapon of some sort. He appeared to be using the little box to search for something. He began creeping forward.

‘Why can’t I feel his mind?’ Béla wondered, idly curious as she watched the distant image.

Béla expanded the image further in her mind and saw that the man was in a warehouse somewhere. There were other soldiers in that warehouse alongside the one she was watching. They seemed to be creeping up on someone. 

She twisted the image around so that she could see further into it in the direction the soldiers were sneaking. There were two people in the center of the building. As she watched, a large area of the floor suddenly emptied! Where there had been a dozen pallets loaded with goods, there was now nothing! Then she realized that she was looking at a transfer platform. There was a Focal Press in that warehouse! 

‘How did that get there?’ Béla wondered as she watched.

Reaching into the image further, Béla suddenly recognized the mind of the tall blonde facing away from her.

‘Tanya!’ Béla screamed in her mind. ‘Behind you!’

She watched with horror as Tanya twisted around and the man raised his weapon – an odd-looking device that opened up on the end like an old-fashioned musket. Tanya screamed and grabbed her head. As Béla watched, transfixed with terror, Tanya collapsed to the floor with blood leaking from her eyes and nose. A few feet beyond Tanya, Tabatha lay on the concrete floor, also bleeding from her eyes and nose.

Enraged, Béla created an image of the receiving platform on the Phoenix III and swept it through the image of Tanya and Tabatha, instantly transporting them to safety. 

She moved the focus of her mental image away from the platform and completely outside of the orbiting ship. Now she wielded a vortex that emptied into the vacuum of planetary space. Returning her attention to the warehouse where Tanya and Tabatha had fallen, Béla released her vortex into the center of the room and watched, her heart cold with rage, as men and supplies, along with the Focal Press, were sucked into it.

Suddenly, Béla’s head felt like it was exploding. She screamed in pain and hate. Her last destructive act as she passed out was to pull her vortex in around herself before it dissipated. 

She floated high above the bright blue earth; her skin slowly turning gray as she froze solid. The blood leaking from her own eyes and nose froze as well, becoming translucent red icicles on her unmoving face. Nearby, a figure twitched and convulsed as it suffocated, having been sucked into the vortex along with its intended victim.

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