Jenny Brown (author)

Jenny brown

Elizabeth cried when they eventually lay back exhausted. She cried and then sobbed into Robert’s arms, the release all too much to be held inside. Robert found himself crying, tears tracking over his cheeks. At last, he was able to give his heart and know that it had found a home, where it belonged.


Robert shoved the pushchair around the supermarket while Adam toddled in front of him, the reins of his harness attached to the handle, his sister gurgled happily in the crib of the walker. The two children had come quickly. Adam was almost three and had already adopted the same regal aloofness of his mother, but his looks were pure Robert. Eveline was fair and would probably grow to look like Elizabeth. The choice of names had been careful. The children were a new beginning to their lives, Adam and Eveline was a perfect choice. 

Frozen peas and a packet of sweetcorn hit the bottom of the trolley Elizabeth was pushing. They briefly discussed the merits of frozen fish, coated in breadcrumbs and decided against it.

Saturday shopping was becoming a ritual, a family thing, simple, but so enjoyable. Perhaps a mundane activity, but nothing they did together could be construed as humdrum. 

Robert was now a minor executive for a music publishing house, promotion was within his grasp. Although he hadn’t completed his degree, his knowledge of historical music and the easy manner he had while explaining the concepts had impressed his boss. That and his natural good looks had struck a chord with Jacqueline, who blushed a little during his interview. Her thoughts were held private, to her credit, but her reactions of crossing and uncrossing her legs signified her attraction to him. Robert, although aware, ignored it. He was happy and then delighted that he got the job. Eveline was the result of their celebration.

He kept in touch with Amber, but withdrew his services as an escort. She understood, but several of her regular clients would have preferred he stayed. Their combined generosity at his wedding was overwhelming and unexpected. Amber’s wedding present of a car had been more than generous, but the choice showed her sense of humour. A shiny red Ford Escort stood outside in the car park. Amber had accepted the role of God Parent to Adam and would likely do the same for Eveline.

The grandparents somehow continued to cling to this mortal coil. Perhaps the delight of the children gave them a second lease of life. They instantly loved Elizabeth when she and Robert visited to announce their intention to marry. Robert’s dad even flirted a little and surprised them all.

Elizabeth was shortly to return to work following her maternal break. They would have liked for her to stay at home, but their finances were getting depleted rather too quickly. Her income was necessary.

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