Jennifer Ramelli (author)

Jennifer ramelli

He would have to be willing to relinquish control of the situation to someone else. Yes, he said he had done it before, but he did not say with whom. Whoever they were, they might well have been more "special" to him than I am. Or at least more of a person to whom he would feel comfortable relinquishing control than I am. Say perhaps his martial arts Master, or some other much-revered man. Or woman?
It will not crush me if he refuses, but it will not delight me either, so I wait anxiously for his response. It is a long time coming.
"Don’t you think we’ve both had about enough for one night?"
No, I am not letting him off the hook so easily. "But some day?" I persist.
"Yes, I will. I’ll let you – but not now. Some day."
Again, his answer surprises me. Perhaps it should not, considering that it is almost the same answer I always give him, when he asks about the sin carved into my penis. 
"But the vay you just did it to me: ve vill do this again also, ja?"
"Sure thing, if that’s what you want." No hesitation there. "But not on an everyday basis. This is a special thing between us."
"And special things die vhen they become routine, nicht wahr?"
"Ya got it."
We are quiet again, as the room continues to gather in the light of the rising sun.
"Uh – Elf? -- There’s another special thing between us that won’t die."
"And vhat is that?"
 "Being in your arms and in your body is the closest I’ll ever get to God. No matter what happens between us, darlin’, never forget that."
Astonished, I squeeze my eyes closed and try to swallow the tears of joy that threaten to overflow, knowing Logan would not appreciate my dissolving into a sodden hysterical fit of euphoria. I can think of nothing else to do other than wrap myself around him in every way I can, and surreptitiously wipe my tears away on his broad and hairy chest.

German Translations
Mein Gott My God
Pfui! Phooey!
Verdammte  damned
Zum Teufel! To the Devil!
Herr Lehrer Literally: Mr. Teacher
Was machst du? -- What are you doing?
mein Schatz -- my treasure (my dearest, my darling, etc.)
Dummkopf -- Dummy, fool
nicht wahr? -- isn’t it? (Literally: not true?)
Ich vertraue dir, weil ich weiss dass ich dir vertrauen kann. --
I trust you, because I know that I can trust you.
Nein, nein! Ich kann das nicht tun! Bitte, Herr Grüber! --
No, no! I cannot do that! Please, Mr. Grüber!
mein kleines Dämon-Kind -- my little demon-child
Bitte! Bitte!! -- Please! Please!!
Lieber Gott im Himmel! -- Dear God in Heaven!
Mein Gott! -- My God!
Gott sei Dank! -- God be thanked! (Thank God!)
Tut mir so leid -- I’m so sorry
Ich weiss nicht. -- I don’t know.

STORY ARC – In Order
Morning Devotions
Something a Little Different
As the Twig is Bent
Pray for Us Sinners
With Nothing on My Tongue
You Win, Elf
Hell Hath No Fury
Let’s Pretend
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