Jamil Maldonado (author)

Jamil maldonado

The numbers were staggering.

Bill saw the hope in his boss’s eyes and the sudden realization that we still didn’t have the solution. He pressed forward, though, "My talk with the supers might have the solution, though. Like I said, after they got over the shock and we started talking, the ideas became very realistic. After all, this was Patty they were thinking about. You’re like everyone’s sister or cousin out there. Well, not for long maybe …", he laughed. "So, Patty, what do you think about using two days, morning at the beginning of the shift and afternoon toward the end of the shift. There are 20 guys, so a half on one day and a half on the second, then half of those in the morning or afternoon?"

I looked at Bob and smiled, "Five guys morning and afternoon. I did you four before and these six this morning. This will work!"

Bob looked at me, "You know, saying the numbers has me concerned. This is a lot. I understand the excitement, but … can you keep this up?"

I smiled at them both, "Do you really think anyone is going to complain if it does become too much and I have to taper it back? It isn’t like it will stop completely. It might slow down, but … in the meantime … I’m not complaining." They laughed.

We very quickly came up with the schedule: since Wednesday had to be avoided, Tuesday and Thursday in the shop; Monday and Wednesday in the office. 

"I suppose you’re wondering about Friday?" They both nodded expectantly. "There might be some managers getting randy by then." I smiled and walked out.

* * * * *

At about the end of the day, Bob came up behind me and he had the designer group with him. He said they had an interesting idea going forward. I thought to myself, that didn’t take them long.

They suggested since my body was going to be seen frequently, anyway, that I be given freedom to dress any way I wanted. I would need appropriate clothes to travel at least to and from work, but in the office, I could decide how I wanted to be dressed … or, as they emphasized, undressed. They suggested I could have a bra and panty day, micro-mini-dress day, only stockings day, negligee day, etc. I could tell Bob like the idea, too. I could see another shopping trip in the near future. That new credit card was going to get a workout.

Bill was in Stan’s office and popped his head out upon hearing the conversation.

"I couldn’t help but overhear … we were talking about equal consideration, earlier … I usually come in to pick up the mail for the shop. Why don’t you bring it out dressed however you are that day, but not on Wednesday." We all laughed. "After we initiate them into this, of course."


OFFICE FUN continues and ends with Chapter 5: The Shop


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