Jackie Marshall (author)

Jackie marshall

Once she got Jill's chin into it, she pulled the helmet up over her head and unrolled the rubber until her whole head was covered. The only openings in the rubber prison were two nose tubes allowing her to breathe even as difficult as it had become.

Next a leather discipline helmet was pulled over the top of the rubber one. This one had laces in the back which required to be tighten. When finished Jill could feel the tightness and restrictiveness surrounding her head. Two sets of straps were added to the helmet

The first, around her head at eye level putting more pressure on her already covered eyes.

The second was a wide strap placed around the helmet at mouth level. Jill could feel the large rubber ball gag sink deeper into her mouth as that strap was tighten.

"Perfect! It was just the look I was going for." Said the silver haired woman.

"May I suggest the addition of just one more item?" The second woman piped in.

"Oh, please do."

"Just a minute I'll be right back." She said and walked off.

She returned in just a couple of minutes and held up a gold 'Y'-chain leash.

"Outstanding! I hadn't thought of that."

Both women leaned coward taking each of Jill's nipples in their mouths and sucked on her already overly sensitive nubs until they were rock hard. Then simultaneously, the women used the alligator clamps attached to the ens of the 'Y'- chain to bite down on her nipples.

Jill senses overloaded going from pleasure to pain as she bellowed out a horrid scream. Nothing was heard but a stifled mew behind the gag and helmets as they effectively did their jobs.

Handing the long end of the 'Y'-chain to the silver haired woman, she said, "There, now you have a way to lead your pet around."

"Her? Oh, she's not my pet. Pet is still at home. Tied up you can say." Laughing.

"Then who is this?"

"I don't know. Just some girl that was here in the shop."

"And she allowed you to just bind her?"

"Well she didn't ask me not to."

"What are you going to do now?"

"Now? Now I'm going to pay for these items and then take her home and play with her for a month or two. Would you like to join me?"

"I'd love to!" Replied the second woman.

Jill, standing in agony felt a sharp tug of the nipple clamps an stumbled forward behind...who? She didn't know which of the women had a hold of her nipple leash, all she knew is every time she hesitated, the clamps on her nipples would pull tight and she had no choice but to follow along.

The clerk trembled in fear as she rung up the purchase after seeing what the two women had done to that girl. After paying for everything, the two women headed toward the entrance with Jill in tow. Reaching the door the second woman held it open for the silver haired woman to pass through with Jill following unwillingly behind. Just before passing through herself she turned back towards the clerk and said, "Don't worry, we'll be back again next week for you!"


The End

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