Hector Diamond (author)

Hector diamond


She looked all around but somehow the allure of my lovely big soft four poster bed overcame her resolve.

"Very well," she agreed, "But I shall leave in the morning and may slit your throat in the night."

She lay as far away from me as she could in the large bed. Her back to me. She trembled and shook occasionally.

My poor empty balls ached, but it was a satisfied ache, and soon I had entered the soft abyss of sleep.

She woke me by searching for something to wear. I sprang from the bed, she was looking in a chest by the window, I came up behind her and grasped her breasts.

"Bend from the waist, I wish to fuck you from behind so I do not need to look at your disapprovingly ugly face.

"Then your wish will be denied," she retorted, but her teats were stiffening, her slot moistening ready to take my rampant member.

I simply aimed him at the slot and he slid in as sweet as into any rampant whore, "See you are no more able to control your urges than I am," I chortled, "I shall have you twice before breakfast and depending on my mood perhaps once again before lunch."

"I shall be gone long before lunch," she insisted

"I’ll wager you will not, you enjoy my member too much," I chuckled, "But I own it is pleasant to conjoin with a mature woman, not some silly slip of a maid who believes I am in love with her."

"That heartens me greatly," she replied.

"I do believe I shall devote part of this morning teaching you how to pleasure yourself with a rolling pin," I suggested.

"I should prefer you to allow me to pack," she replied.

My moment was not far away, I thrust harder, "Do you like that," I asked as I stole my fingers to her nub as I pushed ever deeper within her.

She whimpered, she had lost control, her first moment was un her, her first ever moment of ecstasy and I expertly brought her to her peak even as I expelled my seed.

"Oh, oh lord no," she protested, "Ohhhhhh."

"I do believe I took you to heaven then Miss Twelvetrees," I whispered, "Shall I take you there again this morning and perhaps after lunch and tomorrow as well? Shall you become my whore Miss Twelvetrees.?"

"Never," she said.

"No more pantaloons, I wish your parts to be available to me at an instant’s notice." I added.

"You are deluded sir, quite deluded." she replied.

I took her by the shoulders and spun her round, caught unawares she had no time to prevent me from grasping her chin and kissing her upon the lips.

Suddenly she didn’t look quite so ugly, "Wait here I’ll retrieve your clothes," I offered and donning my own attire I retrieved her gown from the garden.

That was a year ago. Since then she has been most attentive, she has to be, she has no status and I can cast her out on a whim. But why would I? She serves my needs, except for an occasional yearning for a son and heir. I dare say given time she will even produce one of those. It is just a shame she’s so damned ugly or I do believe I would marry her.

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