Eric Simmons (author)

Eric simmons


Everything seemed to come so naturally to them; it was almost as though they had done it a thousand times over. The caresses continued at a more leisurely pace and this time Nick waited for Amy's signals, allowing her to get accustomed to the new experiences. She didn't venture forward until she was positive that it was exactly as Amy wanted it. Their clothes were soon scattered on the floor around the bed as they lay together, skin on skin, touching and tasting every part of the other's body. Amy spread her legs to accommodate Nick's body and groaned when her core encountered her silky thigh. Slowly, sensually, they started moving in sync, rocking against each other in the age-old dance. Sweat made their bodies glide with ease, the friction causing great heat to rise and engulf them. The only sounds in the room were of heavy breathing and the occasional sensual moan. Nick pushed herself up on her forearm, sneaking her hand in between their undulating bodies. Amy grabbed hold of her biceps when Nick's hand made contact. When she delved inside the heat, Amy couldn't hold onto a deep groan that sought to escape. Her nails dug into Nick's muscles when her thrusts became too intense. Raising her knee to make contact with Nick's center, they rocked against each other in a continued momentum. The pleasure was almost too great for them to hold. Amy's moans grew louder in pitch as Nick strained harder against her body. The bed shook with the strength of their thrusts. Finally, they fell over the precipice together; Amy arching her neck and biting into the skin of Nick's shoulder, and Nick groaning with pleasure and pain.

The room was silent again as they tried to catch their breaths, reveling in the sweet afterglow. Nick covered Amy's smaller body almost completely, and fearing she might be suffocating the girl, she rolled to the side. Leaning over, she placed a gentle kiss on her brow, then on her temple, and finally on her lips, until Amy opened her eyes. Amy licked her lips with the tip of her tongue, causing a shiver to run through Nick's frame. "That was...incredible."

"Yes, yes it was. You're incredible." Nick added. "You don't regret this, do you? Or think that it was a mistake?"

Amy shook her head slowly, still trying to snap out of her dreamy state, "Not one bit. If there is something I regret, it's not doing this beforehand."

Nick chuckled and pulled Amy's naked body closer. Nick's eyes fell shut and she was half asleep by the time Amy spoke her next words.

"You know, I don't usually do this...have sex on the first date. I hope you don't think I'm easy." Amy admonished jokingly, half asleep herself.

Nick's lips turned up into a lopsided smirk, "Don't worry, baby, I'll still respect you in the morning." She chuckled when her side was pinched. Kissing the still damp forehead once more, she pulled Amy's pliant body on top of her and they fell into a deep, contended sleep.

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