Don Barrera (author)

Don barrera

"Someone is coming. I think it’s a fiend. Shannon, stay behind me."

She looked to the horizon and saw the approaching figure. She was downwind and could clearly smell its revolting stench and the aroma of blood. 

"Please, no more. I can’t handle anymore," Shannon whispered in exhaustion.

"What in the world?" Valia exclaimed as the fiend came into view.

It was one of the armored berserkers that had chased after the centaur herd, only now, he was missing his arms. As he drew closer, Valia realized he was dragging something behind him from a chain wrapped around his neck. It was one of the sleds the centaur used to carry their possessions when they traveled, and sitting upon it was Noah.

"Noah!" she called out while waving him over.

Rattling the chains, Noah ushered the fiend over to their location. "Whew, finding you wasn’t easy. It’s hard following tracks in the dark, and I lost my horse in the battle. Had I not come across this guy lying in the mud, I would still be walking."

"I did what you wanted and got you here, now give me back my arms and let me go," the fiend panted with a hoarse voice while blood oozed from the stumps of his shoulders. 

"Arms aren’t a right; they’re a privilege, one you have yet to earn. You haven’t yet earned the privilege of speech either. Shall I revoke that as well?" The fiend fell silent, and Noah turned back to Valia. "Don’t mind him. He was very uncooperative at first, but I found some incentive to get him moving. Anyway, I’m glad to see you’re alive."

"Same to you. Did you defeat their leader?"

"Yes, but I wasn’t able to bring him in for questioning. What happened here?"

"Shannon and I fell in the river, so I didn’t see it exactly, but it’s clear the tribe was captured and taken away."

"That’s not good. We need to join back up with Reynolds and his men, get to Welindar."

"Shannon’s coming with us. She has no one and nowhere to go."

Noah looked past her to the despondent young woman, weary with grief sorrow. "As you wish. Just don’t let her become a burden."

"I’m sure she can help you with your alchemy."

"That’s not what I mean."

Noah and Valia briefly gazed into each other’s eyes, but Valia was the first to look away. "I killed her father, Noah. How can I walk away after that? I have to help her."

"I know you do." Noah walked over to Shannon and rested her hand on her shoulder. "You’re coming to Welindar with us. Things may be bleak now, but you aren’t alone."

"My father… he disappeared several months ago, and then he came back. So it’s possible that the rest of my tribe won’t be killed, right?"

"If we can defeat the Profane, then there is hope we can find them in time. We can help each other."

Shannon turned away from Noah and retrieved her grandfather’s sword and bow from the nearby memorial. "In the name of my ancestors, I swear I’ll save my tribe, and I’ll help you rid the land of this evil."

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