Debbie Miller (author)

Debbie miller

Faster than lightning he rolls to the ground and spins, kicking back and low with one leg…doubling over the lone attacker when the impact of his foot catches him in another version of the "Nutcracker" maneuver.

Quickly rolling to his back and spinning into a low crouch he blocks each knife thrust coming in low as the swords pass overhead. His counter move severs hamstrings above the ankle; causing them to begin falling until viper quick strikes with his blades end this part of the match, their heart and lungs skewed through and through. 

The young mage watches the rest of a savage and brief struggle by the remaining killers; move and counter move; this master warrior is in complete harmony of body and blades. Move and counter move soon ends the confrontation; his twin blades glowing briefly with a soft moonlit glow as blood and gore dissipate in wisps of steam.

In a flourish of artistic elegance he tosses both blades into the air, turns and bows to her with a rakish grin and catches each on the downward flight without even looking. He moves forward with the grace of a dancer, body flowing step by step like silk across the skin of an emperors most favored courtesan. When she sees his full features, panic ignites once again; save that he stops and stands, hands clasped together before his chest, and awaits her response.

Those feline ears are distinct, as the features of his face – so similar to one recently come to the Academy. He is too of the cat-folks as is Charity; yet of a distinctly different blood line – his features are the smoother and iron honed form of the jaguar, complete to white hair with circled camouflage spot patterns among them.

Many a minute passes in silence between the two, he just waits, not staring or showing much emotion even; just waiting for her to come to some decision. "My…my thanks…for the rescue…good sir…" She looks to see his move, another short bow in acknowledgement. Assuming she knows the next answer before the question is to be spoken, she begins to unfasten her blouse for him…

"What…do I owe you for this…?"

He waves one hand casually, "Please my lady mage, not what you think. Will you deliver a message to the Headmistress Pele for me? Only if you wish to do so, no demands will be placed…for it is my honor to come to the rescue of one as lovely as you are."

For a moment she feels her heart racing and heat building up as desire begins to build; her face is in a major set of blushing as his sheepish grin is displayed. "I will good sir…?"

"My name among humanity is given as Dancing Tiger, please tell the headmistress that of the Hidden Aces that the one called Dancing Tiger is on hand, awaiting her call. In the meantime I will commence culling some of this rift raft into the afterlife."

He turned and walks off before disappearing into the night.

(Part one of Cat Girl Charity – Transitions ends here)

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