Dawn King (author)

Dawn king

"Mmph," Panpar said. "Not just anyone can get them. As a matter of fact, only a Prim can lay claim to these weapons, for they are located at the highest point in the Dead Mountains, and they are hidden beyond a portal to the grey, and only a Prim can walk in the grey."

Veranda stood up, placed her hands on her hips, and scowled at Panpar. "Well then you are truly a fool, old man, because no Prim would ever hand correllium weapons over to humans."

Panpar smiled back at her. "They wouldn’t?" he asked her. "Not even if those Prim were, say … your nieces?"

"I … umm," Veranda stuttered. Jo-Laina remembered how hot her aunt’s face felt at that moment. Panpar’s accusation had taken her by surprise and she hadn’t been prepared for his words. Her mind had raced desperately for a quick remedy that could dig her out from beneath his suggestion, but her mind hadn’t returned a solid answer. "I have no nieces!" she had said.

"Nonsense!" he said back to her. "There’s no need to hide the truth from me. I mean you no threat, but I have seen your nieces in my sleep for years. The forbidden Prim have accompanied me in my sleep since I was young. I know that they exist. I know that they are remarkable Prim, and I know that they are both in your head, even as we speak! Come out Prim! From where you are hiding! Come out and meet your Uncle Panpar!" As soon as his conversation went from speaking to Veranda, to speaking to the twins, he began to speak much louder (as if that made some sort of sense because they were still hearing him through her ears). He began to look back toward the place in the wall--the place with a secret door and a secret cubby hole.

"I’m afraid you’ve resorted to madness, old man! There are no Prim here!"

But Panpar ignored Veranda’s words as if she hadn’t said anything. "I speak to the two of you, right here, and right now. Hear me. Hear my words, and listen deeply! This world needs you both. This world and the worlds of others, for the path between the grey will not stay closed forever! Hear me, I beg of you both! Take this chance to come out of hiding. Take this chance to do something with your gifts instead of cowering in a closet like vermin!" Panpar was peering into Veranda’s eyes as he spoke, but everyone in the room knew that it was not her that he was talking to and when he spoke the word vermin, he spoke the word with such utter distaste, it was almost as if he were spitting that word from his mouth like a woodcutter spitting tobacco at the ground.

Both of you two need to just stay put! Veranda ordered them in her head.

But they didn’t stay put. No sooner had she made her demands, the door to the hidden cubby hole slid open. Jo-Laina came out first, and she had been quickly followed by Jo-Vanna.

"Good!" Panpar said with his face lit up. "Come join your uncle on a quest. A quest that you will not regret and a quest that you will never forget. A quest for the Pockets of the Prim!"

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