David Zhang (author)

David zhang

I scrambled out of bed and got to it just before it went to voicemail. "Hello?"

"Hi. My name is Hana. Ace gave me your number. He said my sister Jae was there."

"I'll go get her." Walking back to the guest room, I said, "Jae, it's Hana."

"Hana!" Jae squealed, grabbing the phone. "Yes, I'm fine. Onyx is here with me."

"Hi, Hana!" Onyx yelled.

"She says 'hi'. … Yeah. ... My car's in the flood. … You have my apartment key, right? … Can you bring us clothes? Everything, from shoes on up is either still wet or ruined. ... Great, an hour is fine. Be careful. Thanks, sis. Harry will give you directions."

She handed the phone back to me, and I told her my address, which she said she could find. I was going to put my phone back in my pocket, but then remembered that I was naked, standing in front of two naked girls. What a night.

I was out of the shower and dressed by the time Hana arrived. I took the clothes she brought to the girls' bathroom and knocked. Onyx opened the door and showed herself to me one more time. Then she took the clothing and shooed me away. Hana and I packed the girl's wet things into plastic bags for them to take home. I saw her looking, but Hana didn't say anything about all my wet clothes mixed with theirs on the laundry room floor.

When the girls came downstairs, dressed in fresh clothes and carrying their borrowed bath towels and t-shirts, Hana said, "There's only one way in and out of town right now, but a lot of roads around here should be open soon. I talked to Ace. He and Ivan are at the Dugout with Suzie. It's still full of water and mud. They're waiting to be pumped out."

"I'll probably go down there later to see what's going on," I said.

"Well, we'd better get going," Hana said, grabbing the bags of wet clothes. "Thank you for putting up with my kid sister and Onyx for the night."

"It was my pleasure," I said, with what I hoped was an appropriately restrained smile.

"Say your goodbyes, girls," Hana said. "I'll be in the car."

Onyx spoke first, when Hana was out of range. "I did some things in the last twelve hours or so that I didn't think I would do. Like I said, I'm more lesbian than bi."

"Do you regret what we did?" I asked.

"Not one bit. But don't expect this to be a regular thing. I'm not saying it won't happen again, but I'm not promising it will. Can we leave it at that for now?"

"Sure," I said. I didn't think I could keep up with these two on a regular basis anyway.

"Good," she said, pressing herself against me for a very warm hug and kiss. Then she walked to the car.

Jae moved into my arms. "Thank you, Harry. Thank you for being strong for me when I was weak." Nuzzling against my ear, she whispered, "Thank you for everything, Splinter-Pecker." She kissed me, hard at first, passionately, but then more softly, until she moved away. "Maybe I'll see you around," she said, turning and walking away.

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