David Skipper (author)

David skipper

Danni took the opportunity to satisfy her hunger a little as the other two women played around. Samantha decided that she had made her point and went about gathering some food for herself; the women ate hungrily for a few minutes before settling back in their seats, satisfied for the moment.

There were a few minutes spent as to how they wanted to position themselves to watch the movie; Samantha wanted to cuddle Danni but also wanted Rose involved. It was decided that Rose would use pillows to prop her torso up but be lying on the couch, the other two would lay on top of her so they could use her large breasts as headrests and Danni would be in front of Samantha. It took a few minutes for them to get comfortably arranged during which Samantha discovered that Danni was extremely ticklish in her armpits. Once they were settled and had exchanged kisses, Rose started the movie; Samantha was prepared for it to be a romantic comedy that both Danni and Rose liked, since Rose had been given the responsibility of choosing what they were going to watch. She perked up in surprise when a familiar song began playing, the movie was one of her favourites, "Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins." She quickly moved up to kiss Rose thanks for choosing one of her favourites and Rose whispered in her ear that it had been Danni's suggestion. When she moved back down, she slipped her left hand between Danni's thighs and pushed her forefinger and index finger deep into Danni's cunt; Danni was a bit startled when Samantha initially shoved her fingers into her but soon settled herself again. They watched the movie for about fifteen minutes like that with Samantha commenting a bit on the action on the screen; the three of them munched a bit on the popcorn, Samantha demanding Danni feed her as her left hand was occupied. Danni was happy to hold a piece of popcorn up by her shoulder for Samantha to take whenever she whispered "popcorn" in her ear. Even though it was one of her favourite movies, Samantha began to get a little restless and began working her fingers in and out of Danni's tight cunt; Danni quickly started lubricating the process with her juices and moaning in approval. Danni felt she shouldn't be the only one being used so she arranged her head so that she could suckle the large pink nipple on Rose's right breast. Rose in turn used her left hand to massage Samantha's left breast. Soon the movie was completely forgotten and the three women were arranged so that they could lick one another's cunts; after about five minutes of this, Rose had them flip over so that they were then eating the pussy of the woman who had been eating theirs. After a few more minutes of this, the women decided just to cuddle for a bit and spent about twenty minutes doing so. They discussed whether or not to restart the movie but decided they weren't interested.

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