David Bailey (author)

David bailey

I pull on one clothes peg hard and I keep pulling stretching my breast until I pull the peg off of my nipple, the sharp pinch as it slides off makes me groan loudly into my pantie gag and when I do the same with the other peg my moan is louder as the pain feels sharper than it did with my other nipple.

The blood rushes back into my nipples and with it feeling returns to them completely and they start to sting and ache. I pick up the small leather belt and as I do I shift my weight and the hand buried between my legs brushes against my clit and my attention is drawn away from my stinging nipples and back to the icy hot on my clit.

I am stunned for a moment from the stinging pain in both my nipples and my clit and all I can do is lie there not moving except for the rise and fall of my chest as I pant. I recover quickly and start moving my fingers again as I bring the leather belt down on my thigh, with the second strike of the belt I start to again imagine that it is Alex inflicting the pain and pleasure on me which turns me on even more.

I strike both of my thighs five times each before deciding to try striking somewhere else and I slap across my breasts hitting both nipples at the same time. The belt striking across both of my sore and stinging nipples at the same time is such blissful agony and before I know it an orgasm hits me like a train and I’m left lying on my bed shaking and sweating as I imagine that it was Alex who inflicted such pains and pleasure on me, the thoughts bring a drowsy blissful smile to my face.

I lie there for a minute shaking and panting with my fingers still buried inside my pussy but the stinging pain of the icy hot on my clit draws me out of my sleepy post orgasm bliss. I remove the panties from my mouth and throw them into the wash basket before hurriedly moving around the room placing all my makeshift toys back where they belong, I blow out the candle and slip into my pyjamas before heading to the bathroom to wash the icy hot off of my clit.

As I go about washing myself and getting ready for bed my mind keeps wandering back to Alex and I know I have to stay away from him, every time I’m around him all I can think about is him grabbing me around the throat slapping me and forcing his cock deep inside me, I cant stand it as it makes me feel like a slut and a freak, I’m certain that if I told him how I felt and about the things I want him to do to me he wouldn’t understand and would freak out, it was that or stay away from him, either way I would lose his friendship, I didn’t want to think about that right now so I simply wouldn’t.

I washed up and went to bed, as I lay in bed the last thing that entered my mind was an image of Alex, he was smiling, he had one hand wrapped around my throat and he was using the other to pinch my nipples. I know that as I finally drifted off to sleep I have a smile on my face.

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