Darrin Neko (author)

Darrin neko


Her mouth quirked. "Right," she said after a small pause. Truthfully, it was too much to process right away, and she wasn't at all used to both of them being that serious for that long. Well, all things being relative. "Now, listen. I'm not freaked out. Nor running off anywhere. But I really need to pee." She grinned. "Preferably without a chaperone. Please?"

They laughed then, and let her go with a gentle smack and a kiss on her bum, and somehow the little talk had calmed her nerves enough that walking naked out of the bedroom with George's come running down her thigh didn't seem such a big deal after all.

She used the toilet and found a clean towel that she wrung in soapy water in the sink and washed herself with, then quickly plaited her hair in a messy braid and went back to the bedroom. She came silently on her bare feet, and stopped short in the doorway and watched -- they were lying on the bed, each propped on an elbow and facing each other, mirror images talking together in a murmur, and it made her smile to look at them. They were discussing something about the business, ideas and smart remarks bouncing off each other, but broke off when she entered the room.

Fred held up the bedcovers. "Get in here," he suggested, and she crawled up to them and settled in snugly between them. And it turned out that it was quite possible to cuddle with two men at once, after all; with Fred's knee slyly inserting itself between her thighs, and George's warm body flush along the back of hers.

"So," George said, kissing her neck. "Did our sinister plan work?"

"Depends. What was the sinister plan?"

"To sweep you off your feet, naturally."

"You did show me that sex can be orgasms," she said with a bit of a smirk into the pillow. "I freely admit that you made good on your promise."

They beamed down at her, then at each other, then at her again.

"We can show you more!" offered Fred. 

"Sex," murmured George, running his tongue deliciously over her shoulder, "can be you waking up from both of us taking turns to lick you, until you're stretching and purring like a cat in a sunny spot."

"Sex can be breakfast in bed, and lunch can be you on the kitchen table," said Fred with a promising wink that made her squirm against his thigh. "And incidentally, it's my turn."

"Sex can be a backrub and a cuddle if you're not in the mood," George reassured her.

Fred reached down and tenderly squeezed her bum. "Sex can be as wicked or sweet as you like it."

Too tired for decisions, but feeling strangely optimistic about the untraditional arrangement they were suggesting, and very happy at the thought of being shown all this and more, Hermione simply reached to kiss each of them by turn. 

"Then I believe," she said, "that I'll take half of one and fifty percent of the other." She smiled up at them in mischievous reassurance. "Since it's only fair, and I know that you do like to keep it in balance."

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