Cory Carlson (author)

Cory carlson

I was just thinking about 4th hour, and I .... remembered your accident the other day. You're okay, right?" "Yeah. I'm okay now. I just had a bad headache got real dizzy. My mom thought it was from not eating enough that day or something. No big deal." "Good way to get out of seventh hour though. Did you see"... Suzi and I talked for nearly two hours. After the first ten minutes, my concerns faded away. In fact I totally forgot about everything that had happened, even when my mom came home. Suzi and I really had a lot in common. We really clicked. I knew what she liked, and she knew what I liked. We finally hung up when her mother called her down to dinner. 

During dinner, my mother brought up something that reminded me of what we had planned for the evening. The rest of the evening and almost the entire weekend she spent with me, teaching me everything she knew, which actually was not all that much now that I look back. Most of the time was spent telling me the harm I would be doing if I actually used these powers on people without their consent. I took her words seriously, but yet I didn't really commit myself to follow them. By Sunday afternoon, I felt confident that I could control my own powers. I also began to find that my mother's understanding of the powers were actually quite limited. I could see short cuts on how to accomplish things. A few times I even startled my mother when I did something she thought no one could do. Such as when I made a plant sitting in full sun close its flower heads as if it was night time. (Actually, the thing with the plant was completely different from reading and controlling minds. Since plants don't have a brain or nervous system, I used a different ability I had mistaken to be part of my mind control type of powers. In any event, I didn't actually control the plant. I just tricked it.) Joey and I went to a movie Sunday evening, and nothing special happened. I had talked to Joey on the phone twice since Friday, and also had talked to Suzi for about four hours Saturday night. I didn't know it then, but I was starting to fall in love. 

On Monday, if John suspected anything, he didn't let on. Things went back to normal for a while at school and at home. The only time I really even messed with my powers was when Joey and I were horny. We got into a routine where one of us would call the other and arrange a time, then I would connect to him and we would jerk each other off. The combined orgasm we shared together brought us closer than ever before. But after a few months of this, Joey began to push me for more than that. That brief moment where we had experienced Suzi masturbating was constantly on his mind, and mine too. It frustrated him that I felt I shouldn't use my abilities on others. He never really understood that this protected him as well as everyone else from my tampering. Lucky for him I value my friends like I do when I did start messing with other people's minds.

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