Christopher Robinson (author)

Christopher robinson

She got up right away and they loosened the hooks to let me eat my meal. I gulped it down, it was much softer and I didn't have to chew it nearly as much.

Two more women did their bowel movement into my mouth, and I had eaten four loads of shit so far. I knew I was reaching my limit and the hostess saw this and told me that I was to spit out each load after that, and just swallow the residue.

The looks of absolute revulsion and disgust on the women's faces before they crapped in my mouth was something I'll never forget. My face was thick with human waste, and the torment continued on and on until fifteen women had finished their bowel movements. I had become intensely horny during the first several mouthfuls but 
was now quite agitated and miserable and wanted it to be over. 

The hostess had been taking pictures and videos of the action which she claimed would be shared with many of her friends worldwide, and when the last load was deposited in my sore mouth they were all anxious to leave. 

Soon I was alone with the staff and they went into the back room and pulled me out on the other side. My entire front area was nothing but crap and with rubber gloves on their hands they got me up and pulled me to another room where there was a large shower area. I was released and allowed to clean myself as much as I wanted. It took me awhile but eventually I had removed the smelly brown residue and tried unsuccessfully to clean it from my mouth and nose.

I should have been used to that by now but I knew I never would be and when back in my room I had all night to think about it as I slept fitfully.

It was without doubt the most humiliating experience of my life...and the scar from this episode would be with me for good, I was sure. What was even more humiliating about it was that I was getting my nuts off much of the time, enjoying my degradation.

The next day I was taken once again to the limo and shoved in the trunk. The ride back was not pleasant but I was so happy to be returning to the Madam that I didn't mind at all. The hostess lady had been kind enough to show me many of the photos she had taken of me, before I left, and assured me that the pictures, and the videos would be put to good use.


When I returned to the mansion the Madam greeted me with a frown, telling me that I had been on vacation and that I would now have to make up for lost time. She had me on the floor immediately sucking her asshole, and I was so happy to be back that I gladly inhaled her long sqeaking fart, and cleaned out the inner juice that it 
produced. I kissed her ass all over savoring the soft skin and the degraded feeling, and knew that I was indeed her slave, and that she had turned me into a raging suckass for the rest of my life.

I knew I would be free eventually from this place, and I put everything else out of my mind except the thought of that day.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: 






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