Christine Caceres (author)

Christine caceres

His voice was stern, reproachful. "Do you know what you’re doing? This isn’t what—" he stopped himself and then sighed. Draco had ignored him throughout, lapping at Harry’s open wounds. Harry was wincing with pain as he saw a look of disgust fill Lucius’ expression. 

"What have you become," his father drawled in disdain. Draco stopped, and, for the first time, he looked up, his face covered in blood. 

"Only what you have made me, father; only what you have made me." 

"You know that the Dark Lord—" 

"The bastard’s mine!" yelled Draco, rising to his feet. "I finally have him under my control and you want me to hand him over to that… that failure!" Lucius slapped Draco hard across the face, spraying blood into the air. 

"Never speak like—" 

"You’re a fool!" yelled Draco. He pointed at Harry. "Potter has the stone! Don’t you see? He knows where it is! With it, you could lead the Death Eaters!" Draco stepped toward his father, wiping his face with his hand and shaking the excess blood onto the scorched earth beneath. "Look around you! He did this because he has the vivificus stone. Who gives a damn about a baby? Get Potter to hand it over to you, and YOU would be the new Dark Lord! Father, whatever power he held over you twenty years ago, with the stone, you can pay that wisp of a spirit back for what he’s done to our family!" 

Lucius hesitated… and then his eyes darted all about. Was he looking to see if anyone was listening? Harry couldn’t move to see if there were others nearby. He’d heard other Apparations. Where was Voldemort? Whose body had he taken control of? Lucius’ eyes settled on something or someone behind Harry. Nonchalantly, he slipped out his wand, pointed it initially at Harry, but then quickly raised it up to the object he had been looking at. 

"Avada Kedavra!" he hissed. Green light sprang from his wand and Harry heard a thump as something fell to the ground. With a smirk, Lucius slipped his wand away. "I always liked Goyle, but we couldn’t have him blubbering about things he doesn’t have the comprehension to understand. Besides, he was never the same after his son died." 

The elder Malfoy stepped close to Harry and knelt. Between thumb and forefinger, he grabbed a strip of loose flesh on Harry’s chest and pulled. Harry tried to defy the agony in his eyes, but they gave him away as a tear of pain slipped out and slapped against the glassy earth. 

"Now… Potter," he drawled, "what’s say you tell me where the stone is and I heal these nasty scratches? Otherwise, I think Draco here might just have to drink you dry." He tugged on the flesh again and Harry screamed in silence. "What do you say, lad?" Lucius placed his hand on Harry’s forehead and the Gryffindor felt his muscles release from the neck and above. He could speak. "Is it really worth it?" Harry felt Lucius get a tighter grip on the loose flesh. "Do we have a deal?"


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