Christina Hughes (author)

Christina hughes

I found that Oltos was a month younger than I and I asked him many other questions, some very personal;

"Aye…. I have been with some of the daughters of the fisher folk but never with a fine lady such as you. You …honor me"

I smiled at his modesty. Then shed the scarf that I had draped around my shoulders. He was concerned that the sun would burn my skin but I assured him that Menkeret and my ‘gifts’ would protect me. I climbed the rigging and dived into the water. He joined me immediately and we swam around the boat; diving as deep as we could and luxuriating in the cool water. Oltos was an excellent swimmer and later that morning, as we lay dripping wet in each others arms on the deck; he taught me some of the lore of the sea.

"I’m hungry," I said.

"I have only simple fare, my lady."

"It will suffice."

We shared a rustic meal of bread, cheese, potted sardines and pomegranates but to me, on that halcyon day, it seemed far finer that the food of the gods.

"Can you read and write?" I asked him afterwards.

"Enough to ply my trade. But of fine speech I have precious little." Eagerly he then added, "I do know the songs of the fisher folk."

I was delighted.

"Sing for me."

"Dear heart that beats next to my own,
Whose pulse I feel when all alone;
Where in the silence of the night
Do your eyes glow with hidden light?
Where among the moon’s gentle tears
Does your own weeping fill the ears
Of the uncaring winds above
Who cry but know not pain or love?
O where are you that I might know
Where my poor entreaties go?
I ask you as though I ask the sea:
Why do you hide yourself from me?
I tell you as though I tell the sky:
No one loves you more than I!"

I was silent, touched as I had never been touched before and could only gaze into his shining eyes.

"Did the song please my lady?"

I nodded slowly.

"It was melancholy and……. beautiful, my Oltos."

"I am glad my lady."

"Please, do not call me ‘my lady,’ I am called Kayla."

"A noble and beautiful name."

I kissed him and during the rest of that jewel-like day we made love again and again.

In the days and weeks that followed I paid our servants small bribes to enable me to leave the house at dawn and join Oltos on his boat. My father would have disapproved of me taking a lover from among the lowly fisher folk but to me he was a demigod; a heroic son of the sea such as the bards never tire to sing of.

I see his smiling face still, as though he were before me now and I was not a slave in the land of the Darrakhai; but sailing as free as the breeze in his boat on a day when we caught no fish.

Alas, he is lost to me, my Oltos. He fell bravely some three years ago in the perpetual war waged by Mentrassanae against the Sea Robbers – brigands of the waves; they deserve no better name. The sea possesses his body now – it is perhaps as he would have wished.

He was my first true love.

Stay tumed for Part III of The Slave Princess

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