Chelsea Christians (author)

Chelsea christians

My cock had been limp as I tend go passive when my ass is being fucked but this made me hard as hell. Andy didn't oblige me with his cock although he was clearly desperate to shoot. Nicky, another young guy, saw my erection and started sucking me just as I witnessed Andy place his lengthy pole firmly between Stewart's strong buttocks. I never thought I would be so wildly excited at the sight as he pushed his hard prick further into Stewarts hairy bum slit. It hesitated a second but then I saw it surge right in and his lovely pink pole disappeared up Stewarts big black ass. Let me tell you Stewart's ass is a powerhouse of muscles at the top of the best running legs at the club! It was more than I could take. I saw Andy's whole body go into orgasm. Stewart didn't put any slightest resistance to having Andy's spunk shot up his bum hole. He drew his head back and closed his eyes as if he was loving the feel of it. I went wildly out of control. Nicky was working his tongue on my knob as I felt a spasm of emotion focus on my little cock and I shot my load straight down Nicky's throat.

No one else seemed to notice the incident. I don't know if any other players had fucked one another out of frustration. A couple of days later when Stewart was in bed with me, I quizzed him about it and he said it all happened so quickly he didn't get time to protest. He said once he felt Andy's hot cock in his crack somehow he just couldn't bring himself to resist. Not long after that I got my chance up Stewart's bum and quite a few other bums too but that's another story!

All of a sudden I noticed the queue was getting much shorter as they were now stuffing me faster than ever. It was because the guys had got so hot watching my ass being fucked and seeing increasing amounts of slimy cum oozing form my hole and running down the insides of my thighs. It made them jack off as soon as their cocks slipped inside my anus.

Then all of a sudden I was in the showers alone. The ones who had done me had been showering and dressing so I hadn't noticed till the last one how suddenly they had all evaporated!

'So what now?' I thought then I remembered that the party had still to begin! In my state having just orgasmed and feeling more fucked than ever before in my life I thought I might just get dressed and walk away.

Well first problem: No clothes! I don't know to this day where they had been put but after I had showered I put on the only thing I could find which was a players rugby shirt. It hardly covered my bottom. I had a notion that someone had put my clothes in the guest room to keep them safe. This was down a corridor and so I set off in this state with cum oozing from my barely covered bum hoping to get past the door behind which I could here the noise of the party.

Ever heard of Murphy's Law? Well it says that if something can go wrong it will! What happened next make my earlier experiences seem tame. Watch this space!

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