Cassie Davis (author)

Cassie davis

The things were everywhere now, she swiped and clawed at her arms and legs and belly, slapping and scratching, panic driving her. She fell to the floor, rolling on the tiles, starting to beg now. The things were under her skin, inside her, crawling across her face, up her nose, over her eyes and deep inside her cunt. From far away, she felt pain, someone was pulling her up by her hair, dragging her. She felt curly pubic hair scratching her lips and nose and smelled cunt. She opened her mouth and started licking and sucking wildly, a maniac trying to escape into this dense forest. She mashed her face into Kira's crotch, her fingers opening the swollen lips, sucking the clit, then pushing her tongue deep into the woman's body. Still, the things were coming at her. She slid her body closer, wrapped her knees around Kira's legs, her body wildly humping, her crotch grinding against Kira's shin. The things were swarming, she wrapped one arm around Kira's ass, pulling her closer, her other arm scratching and clawing at her own flesh, the bugs never letting up. The room started getting dark now and Daisy felt herself plunged deeper into fear, the things would get her, she wouldn't seem them coming. Her eyes were wide open but she couldn't see anything, she'd gone blind. She ground her face harder into Kira's crotch, the only place she felt safe, licking and sucking, pressed so hard she couldn't breathe but she didn't care, she had to get away from the things. From somewhere far off, she heard laughing, then felt something hard being pushed up into her body. She didn't know if it was her ass or her cunt but she started humping backward at it, moaning now and moving faster. Whatever was inside her got bigger and bigger, penetrated deeper, started fucking her. She came and came again, her body convulsing against Kira's, her face pulling away while she gasped for air, the pushed deep into Kira's crotch again, over and over, while the tiny things kept crawling over every inch of her body. She was going insane now, she couldn't think of anything, her body just a huge thing of tongue and lips seeking safety between Kira's pussy lips. She was crying, her free hand scratching at her own cunt hard and fast, trying to get those things, those tiny, crawly things, off of her body. Finally, she felt a flood of hot juice squirting into her mouth and opened up and swallowed it, the rest of it dripped down her body and splashed on the floor. She felt a gushing in her own cunt, felt like her insides were pouring out between her legs, whatever was inside of her was yanked out, then she was jerked upward, dragged across the floor, stood up, strapped back onto the T, legs apart, arms open wide. She was blubbering, begging for a cunt to eat, begging for someone to "get these things off of me, get them off!!" They left her there for another hour, screaming and struggling against the straps, until the drugs finally wore off and she fell asleep.

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