Candice Lowe (author)

Candice lowe

The next day I walked into work, packed up my personal items, and quit. As I walked out in my micro miniskirt and see through blouse I made sure to say goodbye to everyone. I kissed the men and I kissed the women, I held the men’s crotches and I held the women’s breasts, and I made sure to tell each and every one of them what a pitiful fuck their boss really was. That got a giggle from most of the women.

In a week all of the paperwork was done, the lawyers had read everything over, and the restaurant was ours, or rather mine.

The waitresses knew what was coming and most of them were not comfortable about it and gave me their notice. A couple of the older waitresses seemed to like the idea a little bit and decided to stay on. Through them I interviewed a few more mature women that were willing to flaunt their assets for generous tips.

In a month we were taking reservations for our six private booths. Our waitresses became quite confident with their attire as I had. The staff was doing a great job and our clientele was really nice. At first we expected a lot of perverts coping feels but as it turned out they were nice guys that copped feels and we let them. The tips were more than double what they used to be and the waitresses were very pleased. Whenever one of the waitress’ husbands would come, in I would personally wait on him, let him feel me up all he wanted too, and I never give him a bill.

Business was great and my sex life at home was even better than that.

One evening my ex-boss came in for dinner with my replacement. I knew her and I knew her husband too. She was wearing almost the same outfit that my waitresses and I were wearing. I smiled and slapped his hand as he reached for my pussy. However, I reached for her pussy and gave her a rather nice kiss too.

I looked at the slim on my fingers and asked, "Who’s cum is this?"

She blushed and just looked at her boss.

I decided to wait on them myself. Whenever he asked for a drink I gave him double shots of booze. I felt her up every chance that I got. I reached into her blouse and played with her nipples, I reached under her skirt and played with her pussy, and I let her play with my pussy too. At the end of their meal I stood up on their table, squatted down in front of her, and pulled her face into my crotch. She took the hint and started licking my pussy for me. While she was busy I handed him his bill. He looked upset because I had charged him double for all of his drinks and I had brought him plenty of them too. He threw down enough money to pay his bill twice (nice tip) and then dragged her away from my pussy. She hadn’t wanted to stop and I hadn’t wanted her too either.

On the way past me she whispered in my ear, "Do you need any more waitresses?"

I whispered back, "You can start tomorrow."

She kept looking back at me and smiled all the way out the door.

The End
Who’s Cum Is This

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