Breanna Franklin (author)

Breanna franklin

"Shit," I said under my breath. I reached out with my mind and felt the rattlesnake's presence that was only a foot away from Scooter. I couldn't understand its primitive thoughts enough to control it, but I knew it was preparing to strike. I didn't take time to think, just locked onto the snakes motions with my mind, reached my hand out and grabbed its tail. I used the snakes own impulses to judge it's turn as I yanked with all might, whipping it away from both Scooter and me. Scooter was shaking harder than I was when we finally stopped our mad running. 

"Damn," Scooter breathed, "I nearly fainted when I saw it. And I can't believe you did that. You sure have balls." "It wasn't as dangerous to me as you think. Hey. You think rescuing those guys from a snake would give you their respect?" "Well, you got mine. But I'm not sure I could even fake something with a real snake. Even if you were driving it." "It wouldn't be real. It would be an illusion. Suzi brought something that would keep me my head from exploding, so I'm willing to try it." 

We made plans, and agreed to do it the next day. I got up early Friday morning, and snuck out without waking the mob squad. Suzi was already getting dressed when I scratched at her tent flap. After helping me pour two large glasses of drink, she left to watch my cabin for me. I was feeling the affects of the drink as I walked towards Scooter's cabin. I saw him stomp out of his and fling the door open to the other, and I hurried up to see what was going on. I heard shouts and a wave of fear from the cabin, then almost got hit by the tan belt that Scooter tossed out. When the belt landed and started to buck wildly, I jumped a couple feet into the air and ran three cabins down. I was just getting my nerve back when Scooter came out and saw me peering around the cabin I had taken refuge behind. He smiled and jogged over to me. 

"Shit, Tim. That was great! It was totally real like. Why didn't you tell me you were gonna use a copperhead instead of a rattler?" My wide eyes and shocked expression confused him until I pointed over at the still twitching but apparently dead snake. Scooter stared at it with his mouth wide open while the boys from the cabin he had left cautiously approached the snake to get a better look. "Get back!" Scooter suddenly said stepping towards them. They scurried back to the cabin's entrance as Scooter went and grabbed a stick. I probed the snake mentally before Scooter did with his stick. It's 'neck' was broken. Scooter had twisted the snake's head nearly three- fourths the way around, just like we had planned and practiced. Scooter picked up the snake by its head and held out his prize to the others, inviting them to check it out. Later that day, they helped him make eight snake skin bracelets. They bonded with Scooter, and they became close friends. We all wore the bracelets the rest of the summer, signifying the bond. I still have mine, somewhere.

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