Brandi Morales (author)

Brandi morales

My horny pussy, restless and horny. My hair, wrapped up in a braid behind me. The water splashing around me. On me. Threatening to break free.

A sharp jolt in my left boob woke me up. I looked down, then up at Lucy! She’d joined me in the pool! Looking at her, feeling her, just being near her made me feel so much better. Lucy looked deep into my eyes, a huge grin on her face. She just kneaded my tit some more as she stared into me...And I stared right back, grinning happily.

I felt a jolt in my right boobie too, and saw Lucy was there as well! Two places at once, she was so good to me. Her hands kneaded my tits and scratched the area underneath them. With her free hand, Lucy and...the other Lucy reached down to my crotch, a burning heat growing down there. I thrusted against their hands, eager for any form of relief. Thick fabric separated my slit from sanctuary. I needed this! I needed this so incredibly badly please I just need it now!

I couldn’t hear Lucy whispering to me. Saying something. All I could hear was the roar in my head as I began to act, thrashing and turning and threatening to fall into the pool. Only Lucy’s hands held me in place, captive.

My heat was replaced with a sudden cold. Wet. Water. I was in the pool, being pulled by many hands. More than two. I couldn’t keep track, they were grabbing and groping and pulling and pinching me. Skin was colliding with skin, trying to dominate me. Wash over me like an angry ocean.

Until I felt my cunt become empty. I was free! Free to do what my pussy was meant to do. But my arms and hands were kept far away. Out of my control. No amount of pulling could bring them back. The more I pulled, the more I felt around me, more bodies and more warmth and more groping.

Then it all disappeared. Instantly. All the water, all the people, all the grabbing, all the everything. All that was left was me, dripping wet and kneeling on a carpeted floor. A bedroom, I could tell. Mine? I wasn’t sure.

I felt a pull at my neck, feeling the grip of a collar demanding my attention. I knew the other end of it was held by Lucy. I scrambled over the bed frame, feeling the tug of my collar and my horny need grow stronger.

Lucy lay on her back, a big thick strapon sitting between her thighs. She was naked otherwise, the leash in her hand continuing to yank on me. Her smile, her gaze, and the prize waiting between her legs, invited me forward. 

I climbed on top of her, and slowly lowered myself onto her thickness. She was large. And warm. And filling. And everything I needed…

Before I could even let out a moan of happiness, Lucy attached my mouth to her nipple, and I instantly began to suck. And suck. And suck. I hummed through the milk shooting down my throat, humping Lucy furiously and wrapping my arms around her back. She wrapped her own around me, her legs mounting my hips.

This was all I needed. This is all I ever wanted. This is everything I could ever dream of. To be lost in forever...and ever.

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