Brandee Paz (author)

Brandee paz


The words were out of my mouth before I could process them, "Sure Moll. I’d do anything for you. You know that." Shit! Why the fuck did I say that? I was supposed to be pissed and angry, not bowing to her every whim.

"Thanks Jarod. Got to go. I’ll try to organize a night out dancing this weekend. Bye!" So a night of grinding and humping each other on the dance floor is okay, but not stroking my thigh on my couch? That’s a great example of female "logic" for you.

I woke before sunrise and was out the door in a few minutes. I jogged the five miles since my legs were still sore from the intense workout in the gym. I barely made it to the road by the lake before the sun crested over the horizon. This was my favorite route in the morning, just for this view. I was tempted to stop and enjoy it, but doubted I would be able to convince my sore muscles back into the slow gait.

Once I was home, I stripped off the sodden clothes. It was unseasonably warm, and in Texas that means the low temperature barely dipped below seventy degrees. So I was dripping sweat despite the slow pace. I toweled off and grabbed a sports drink out of the fridge. It felt great as I gulped it down. I grabbed my Tiger Tail and started rolling it over my legs. They were less defined than normal due to not running a marathon in over a year. I had been having trouble with my right calf so had taken time off to let it rest. I still admired the way each muscle flexed and rippled beneath my skin as I changed positions during the self-massage.

I made a simple breakfast and tried to come up with ideas on how to stay busy until five pm. Somehow I managed to pass the time without going crazy. I did some yard work, getting the beds ready for planting. I shook my head when I saw my neighbors planting flowers. Texas weather is always unpredictable but we were due for at least one more cold snap before Spring set in for good. I was baking under the sun and not for the first time wished I had been able to install a pool in the backyard. Maybe next year, I told myself. Of course, I had been saying that for three years. But maybe with my new pay raise I could swing it.

When it got too hot, I grabbed a towel and headed to the park. I slipped off my shoes and laid down my towel before sprinting for the dock. The water was so cold, I felt as if it sucked the air out of my lungs through my skin. I swam for the surface and spent a few minutes gasping as my body adjusted to the drastic temperature change. I spent at least an hour splashing around and swimming.

It was two pm when I got home, so I made a light lunch and cleaned up the gardening tools before hopping in the shower. I spent extra time shaving my nether regions in anticipation of the night to come despite barely being able to feel any stubble. As I keep my hair short, grooming takes very little time. I slipped on my jeans and at the last second I pulled on a polo instead of a simple t-shirt.

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