Bobby Hansen (author)

Bobby hansen

You usually come to after only a couple of minutes, but this time you were out for close to five. That’s when I decided smelling salt were in order. How do you feel?"
"I’m fine, but you just interrupted the best dream I’ve had in ages damn you," Kitty told her, perturbed for both the vile smell and the loss of her dream.
"Oh really. What was it about?" Miss S asked chuckling.
"None of your damn business," Kitty responded with heat. "My dreams are my own."
Mr. P stepped forward. "Why don’t you girls take her upstairs and get her cleaned up and into bed. The guys will straighten up down here."
"Good idea. Come on girls, help me get her up and we’ll do just that. Besides; it’s about time these worthless men did some cleaning work," Miss. S said with a smile at the men present to take the sting out of her statement.
Finally the women were upstairs and the men were pushing chairs back while one of them mopped the floor. Mr. C was sitting in one of the chairs along the wall and motioned Mr. P over.
"You know you have quite the girl there. Stubborn, resourceful, and ready to try just about anything. A real keeper," Mr. P said.
"I know. I plan to," Mr. P replied.
"Uh; I don’t suppose you would want to trade her to me or at least lend her out, would you?" 
Mr. P raised an eyebrow at him. "Well, I guess that answers that," Mr. C said shaking his head.
"Come on C, you know we don’t normally do that sort of thing. And certainly not with out the other person’s agreement," Mr. P told him.
"Aw hell! I know. But damn it! She is the best fuck I have had in ages and ages: Maybe the very best. There are very few women who can accommodate me, you know that," he paused for a moment, "but maybe on my next visit…..?" He left the question hanging there hopefully.
Mr. P grinned at him and held his hands palm up. "You know our rules like everyone else in the upper echelon. Thumper was my apprentice and Kitty was my trainee. After tonight that all changes. Thumper has earned her graduation, and Kitty will now become my apprentice. That gives her much more leeway in what she wants to do. The threat of being put out of the group won’t be as effective, not as effective as it is with a new trainee in the group. So you’ll have to ask her when the time comes. Her statis will have changed."
"But it’s all right with you?" Mr. C persisted.
"Well….., she is special, and I have definite plans for her, but as long as you don’t make a habit of it every time you visit," Mr. P grinned at him, "I suppose it will be all right. Just remember you have to ask her. Well: and me of course. House rules you know."
"Can’t ask fairer than that," Mr. C said, "let’s get up stairs and find the bar. I need a drink after that. I’m still shaking in reaction."
"Why don’t we. We’ll make yours a double," Mr. P said grinning as he swatted him on the back. "Come on."
To be continued.
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