Barbara Jones (author)

Barbara jones

She looked so adorable, too. The following day, Mother Sianili slipped into her labor. Hers was short and easy. She had given birth to at least three daughters before. My newest half-sister wailed when she was born. She had strong lungs. We named her Tulili.

I never told anyone about my desire to go out into the world. It had mostly been forgotten as we took care of the girls over the coming months. I didn't breed any of my women. Something about nursing women usually not having children until they were weaned, but I also didn't want any more yet. Maybe I had some control when I bred or didn't breed a woman.

After all, I was a demigod.

Soon, my seven daughters were crawling and even struggling to walk. They were getting so big. Before I knew it, it had been three years since I had first started fucking my sisters and mothers. The time had flown. My daughters were talking in babblish sounds. They were being weaned off breast milk and onto diets of crushed berries and mashed sweet potatoes. They were energetic. Always running around. My new sisters were crawling everywhere, getting bigger and bigger.

One night, I felt restless. I slipped out of the camp, everyone sleeping. That was becoming a more common thing getting a full night's sleep. The wind rustled through the trees. I could hear the tide coming in, waves washing on the beach.

A song drifted through the air.

I frowned and followed the trail down to the beach. I was naked, not uncommon. We often didn't wear clothes. Sex was something that my family and I enjoyed when we felt the need fall upon us. The song that I followed had my dick swelling.

Feminine. Lovely.

I stepped out onto the beach. The moon was full, silvery light sparkling on the lagoon. The waves washed against the shore, a slight glow about the froth. A hint of azure to it. Out beyond, in the waters, were three heads, wet hair clinging to feminine-looking faces.

I blinked. No one came to our island.

"It's him!" one gasped, her song breaking off.

"Yes, yes, it's him!" another said.

"Brother, we've been looking for you for so long!" the third said.

I gasped. Brother? 

The women swam to the shore. As they did, I spotted tails breaking the surface of the water. Mermaids swam at me into the shallows. They rode the waves in and washed up on the shore. They stared up at me, their tresses plastered about their faces. They each head different color hair. One had blue hair, another purple, and the third green. Their skin was pale as mine and their faces...

They looked like Lasla and Pyrriah. Their bodies weren't the same, their tits ranging from small mounds to large delights, but those facial features were arresting. They were my sisters. Daughters of Las.

"We've been looking and looking for you," said the blue-haired one.

"Just swimming and swimming!" shouted the green-haired one.

"Our father needs you, Kurtis!" gasped the purple-haired one. "You have to save him. You have to save Las!" 

To be continued...

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