"He forced me mama!" she exclaimed.
"So why are you smiling and gasping in ecstasy?" an elderly gentleman enquired, "And you boy, you had better make her an offer and damn quick if you want to survive the end of today."
"Father!" Miss Pattimore insisted, "I don’t even know him."
"Well he certainly knows you in a biblical sense!" my father interjected misjudging the mood of the assembled throng as per usual and so he alone ended laughing at his feeble joke.
I own I was enjoying our dalliance to some excess, my cock sliding so smoothly in her well lubricated hole, the tip of my cock just nudging the neck of her womb at each thrust exciting me to the utmost until my mind exploded and my seed burst forth once more in a torrent to flood her parts.
"Damn you all," Miss Pattison exclaimed, "You know I want to be a missionary, how can I be one if I’m with child?"
I looked round as I wiped my cock. "Did you plan this?" I demanded.
My father grinned like the idiot he was.
"You planned this?" Mr Pattison interjected, "By heaven sir I’ll have you black balled from every club in Barnsley for this!" and he grabbed father by the throat.
"Stop them!" Lucinda cried.
"Ha," I snorted, "Let them fight," and I took Miss Pattison’s hand and knelt before her, "Will you have me?"
"I just did," she giggled, "Oh I suppose so, if only to keep Mama happy, my name is Camilla by the way."
"James," I said, "Pleased to meet you."
So we were wed, a big ceremony in the church near where she lived, her father found us a very nice house near the university and at the reception in the parish hall my mother gave me the best present on all.
"James," she said, "See that fine upstanding chap in the dark suit with the woman in the ridiculous hat?"
I looked, he looked familliar, she continued, "He’s your real father, he used to be our estate foreman, very clever, very tender, nothing like the idiot I married."
I stared, suddenly it all made a lot of sense. "And my brothers?" I asked.
She smiled, "Forbes the Ostler and Jameson the under Butler if I remember correctly, there have been so many you understand, and your father prefers gentlemen anyway so it suits us both very well, it why I was so pleased to see you enjoying yourself with dear Camilla."
A great weight fell from my shoulders, that fear that I should sire stupid sons the like of miniature versions of father destined to fail at every challenge in life and prove thorough disappointments was lifted in a moment, and the last obstacle to frequent and joyous copulation with Camilla was dispelled.
Sadly Lucinda was left outcast. She had lost her slave but I fancied it would not be long before she found another girl but a very long time before she found a man with a desire for a great fat, rotund, porcine lump. That said there is no explanation for the desires of those poor souls suffering from perversion so perhaps in the fullness of time even she may find a mate.
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