Angela Rogers (author)

Angela rogers

Mr Evans also informed them that they were both now able to do exactly as they pleased. He further explained that arrangements were well along to transfer everything to their names and that he would visit again soon for signing of papers, in the meantime if they had any questions he would be available at his office, he then bade them goodbye. The girls were dumb struck, just sat, and stared at each other in disbelief, they both screamed and ran into each other’s arms, dancing and hugging, kissing and fondling they made love and it was the most satisfying they had both experienced for a long time. The following few weeks were spent making plans for their future, they were both now worth a small fortune. They had great pleasure in that time refusing to see any of the former guests from Lord Bennet’s parties. All legal papers signed and property deeds and required identification papers issued, the girls were now definitely free and they set about finalising their plans.

The apartment sold; the girls sailed to America to start a new life as far away as possible from everything they knew. They settled in Boston, bought a small house together and began to mix with the social set. They met and married local businessmen, settled into society and had children, but it was not enough. They decided to open an orphanage they wanted to help children and did not want any to suffer what they had, over the years they helped about three hundred children. Lily-May’s husband passed away ten years before and Rose went five years later. Lily-May thought she had led a good life since leaving London, all of her memories since were happy ones. She wondered what would have become of her had she not experienced the life in London.

Lily-May realised she was still walking arm in arm with the kindly Irish man; they must have been walking a long time as it was getting lighter. The tall red haired Irish man had not said a word, Lily-May realised she had told him everything, things she had never told anyone before. She also realized that she remembered everything as though it had happened yesterday. They had stopped walking and Lily-May realized everywhere was pure white, in front of them were seven identical doors. The Irishman thanked Lily-May for her story and said she had one last decision to make. She was to choose a door to go through; this would lead her to a place she had earned through her decisions and choices made during her life. Lily-May was at a loss and asked for help, the Irishman explained that he was only a guide and that she had to choose for herself. He further explained that the purity of her heart would determine her fate, but he believed that Lily-May would be very happy. 

With trepidation, Lily-May opened the door furthest to the left. There was her Mother standing in the doorway to their croft in Cork wiping her hand on her apron. Lily-May McCarthy you hurry along now or your dinner will be cold.

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