Angel Roberts (author)

Angel roberts

Sar-Rah was cooking in the kitchen, swaying her hips and tapping her feet in time with the music coming out of a radio sitting on the counter.
"Good Evening," Anthony said and with a squeak she spun to face hi. He grinned as she blushed in embarrassment at having been caught unawares.
"Anthony," she squealed and leapt into his arms. He still held the bag at his side so was only able to catch her with one arm but he held her easily. She rained down little kisses on his face as she clung to him and kept repeating his name over and over again.
"Are the others all home," he asked. She nodded against his chest causing her face to rub against him.
"Good can you go get them," he asked and with a nod she ran out of the room. He began stirring the pot of chili on the stove she had stopped stirring when he entered the room. Soon after all of the girls rushed into the kitchen one after another and hugged and kissed him like a returning warrior from a battle campaign.
"Alright I have a question that I need to ask and then depending on the answer I have an announcement to make," Anthony said and the girls stared at him as he spoke.
"Who in this room wants to marry me? If any of you have changed your mind now is the time to tell me," he said. They all raised their hands except Jessica who leaned back against the wall. He nodded having gotten the exact answer that he was expecting.
"Alright then the announcement is this. The day after tomorrow we will be having the wedding, none of you need to do anything I will arrange everything. You can all invited whoever you wish to," he said and headed inside to go to sleep because even a High Djinn Lord will get tired after three days awake burning power to keep a forge fire running without some king of fuel. The next day Liz was on the phone calling Sasha, Nina, Cassie, and Cindy to invite them to come over the next day. Anthony gone into the basement and gone into the tunnel that led to the goblin's old tunnels that were now abandoned. He decorated the throne room by hanging black silk down the stone walls and he removed the dais completely. He placed chairs in the middle of the room, only thirty since he didn't think even that many would be attending.
He looked around the room thing of what to do next then summoned candle stands every couple of feet. They stood about face level an on top of each stand stood a thick black candle that smell of a random flower. He looked up and three crystal chandeliers appeared hanging, evenly spaced, from the ceiling of the chamber. Three long tables covered in black cloth appeared along the side wall. He gestured and rose bushes erupted out of the floor and climbed the walls and ceiling covering all of the exposed surfaced between the silk hangings. He lit the candles and chandeliers to make sure there would be enough lighting then extinguished them and headed back to the door to his basement.
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