Of course, we won’t know if I really am ‘one of us’ until you get pregnant the second time."
Oh my! We haven’t even had the first batch yet and Andrew is thinking about putting some more in the oven. The man is incorrigible. "I suggest you don’t hold your breath, Andrew."
He said "Well I guess we could lend me out to some of the unattached twins, just to jump start the project, so to speak."
I wasn’t buying that one either. "You just be satisfied with what you’ve got buster. The other twins can find their own stud. We’ve found ours and we’re keeping him!"
He got serious. "Deirdre, I love you. I can’t wait to see you. I’ll be flying in to Cincy next Friday. Donnie’s coming too, so we’ll be together for the entire weekend, anyway."
"Andrew, please call me during the week. I’m going to need to talk to you."
"Baby, I’ll call you every night, just as soon as you two blabbermouths get off the phone with each other."
I heard Donnie in the background saying "Have you two geniuses ever heard of a conference call?"
Andrew said "The first thing I’m going to do is buy you some video cameras for your laptops. Then we can video conference. That will be better. Maybe you could even, uh, you know, show off a little, if you know what I mean."
I said "Andrew you are beginning to talk like us. I know exactly what you mean by ‘show off’ and you can rest assured we will not be displaying anything too personal on an internet broadcast!"
"Aw, Dee Dee, come on. I’ll show you mine if you’ll show me yours."
I’ll admit, the idea has merit. "We can talk about this at some future time when the technology is in place. Until then, dream on."
He said, "But dreaming isn’t nearly as good as the real thing where you are concerned."
Donnie took the phone from him. "Dee Dee, don’t let that man talk you into anything. We’re supposed to be the ones seducing him, not the other way around. Andrew, stop it! No! Ohhh! Lower, go lower, baby! Uh, Dee Dee, I’ve got to get off now. That beast just will not leave me alone, thank God!"
Yep. I figured that if Andrew had orally pleasured Donnie, he was just warming her up for the main event. His warm ups would kill most women. His main event is what made me understand the term ‘Death by Fucking’.
I was thinking of that on the plane ride home. We are ready to birth the next generation, the ones who will replace the current species of human as the dominant life form on earth. That’s the theory, anyway. If our children, or their children, or our children’s children’s children are indeed a separate species, then they will slowly displace homo sapiens.
But they won’t do it as sapiens did to Neanderthals. We won’t kill them off. We will love them to death. We will replace them one at a time, we will nurture those that remain, and then love the current human race to death.
Homo sapiens won’t be exterminated by war. It will be death by fucking.
-- to be continued
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