Amanda Wood (author)

Amanda wood

She tilted my chin up and I opened my eyes to see her smiling down at me. "I know I’ve told you this before," she said, "but I am SO, SO proud of you! You’ve 
become such a good little whore!"

"Thank you," I smiled back at her. "I’m glad you’re proud of me."

She laughed. "You know, I have to be honest. I was never, ever really proud of you when you were trying to be a man. It just never seemed like you were anything special then. But, now? God, you’re so amazing as a woman that I can hardly believe it!" It was all I could do to smile up at her through my exhaustion, and enjoy the feel of her hand stroking my hair and face. It felt so good that I closed my eyes and actually drifted off to sleep. 

When I woke up, the men were gone and Kathy was on the sofa, reading a book. "Oh, wow," I murmured, "how long was I asleep?

"Oh, about a half hour," she replied. "I didn’t wake you because I figured you had earned a nice nap. You really did do a great job tonight."

"Thanks," I smiled.

"Ready for bed?" she asked. I nodded and struggled to my knees. "Good," she said, setting her book down. "We can head up, but first, I want you to promise me something."

"What?" I asked.

"I’m so proud of you that I want to make sure everyone knows how good you are. Tomorrow morning, I want you to promise to tell Joe what a great time you had tonight. Tell him all about it—how you did Steve first, then invited Ron over and let them double-team you; how you blew Ron and how Steve fucked you for over 20 minutes until you both came together. Will you do that for me?"

I gulped. "Do, do I have to?"

Kathy looked disappointed. "No, you don’t have to. But, I want you to. I think it would be a nice way to show both me and Joe how much you enjoy being a woman, and it would make me even prouder to know that you’re brave enough to admit it to him."

I swallowed and stared into her eyes. "If, if I tell him about this, he’ll probably expect me to be even sluttier at work. He’ll expect me to be even more of a whore than he already does!"

"Probably," she smiled wickedly. "That’s one reason it will take so much courage. But, I know you’re a brave girl and you can do it. Don’t you want me to be even prouder of you?"

"I do," I said, "but…."

"But what, honey?" she asked, stroking my hair. "Are you ashamed of what a cunt you’ve become? You shouldn’t be. You heard Steve. You’re an amazing woman. Why would you be ashamed of that?"

"I, I’m not," I stammered.


 I took a deep breath and gave her the answer I had known was inevitable since the moment she made the request. "So….I’ll do it," I whispered.
"That’s my girl!" she bubbled. "God, I love you so much! Thank you!" She blew me a kiss and smiled. "Just for that, I think I’ll let you eat my pussy before we go to sleep. Ready for bed?" I nodded and let her lead me to the bedroom where she did, indeed, let me lick her to an orgasm to appropriately end the day.

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