Alyssa Rao (author)

Alyssa rao

"Quidditch will still be allowed but no one is to be outside after dark, so captains will have to arrange their practices accordingly. Those students caught wandering the halls after curfew will face a much more hefty punishment then they are used to seeing, including loss of house points and other privileges. Prefects, as well as our Head Boy and Girl, I wish to inform you that nighttime patrols will be unnecessary this year, as the Aurors will be patrolling the halls at all times. However, all your other assigned duties still stand."

   Hermione looked crestfallen at not being able to do patrols and Ron couldn’t resist a snicker, which earned him another steely gaze. 

   "I know that this last year has been difficult on all of us," McGonagall continued, her voice losing some of its severity. "We have all experienced loss, some of us more than others, but I urge you not to let that grief consume you. If Dumbledore were here," the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, "he would tell us that these are the times in which we must stand and fight together. It is our differences that will tear us apart, but by uniting we can become an unstoppable force."

   Professor McGonagall sat back down, signaling the end of her speech. Immediately afterwards, the start of term feast began as the tables filled up with more food than was needed to feed those present.

   "It’s like a bloody broken record," Ron said, grabbing the plate of pork chops that appeared. "It’s the third year in a row they’ve talked about inter-house unity. Maybe if we didn’t have the Slytherins that would happen."

   "Maybe if we had all just listened to Dumbledore the first time he said it there would be no need to keep repeating it," retorted Hermione. "If it wasn’t important, I highly doubt they would keep giving us the same message year after year."

Harry, sensing another argument about to start, turned his attention to the Slytherin table – not surprisingly it was the fullest. But with Malfoy not there, it appeared less intimidating. Crabbe and Goyle looked lost without him and Pansy Parkinson looked pale and sullen, now that her precious Draco had abandoned her. Only Blaise Zabini had an arrogant air about him, and Harry figured he’d inherited Malfoy’s self-imposed leadership of the House.

Harry turned back to his own table, finding Seamus staring at him with that same cold look he’d given him on the train before her turned away.

Harry focused on his own meal after that. Hermione was still upset about Lavender sharing a cart with them on the train, so she spoke to Ron as little as possible. 

Harry made no attempts to patch things up between them. There was already more going on with them then they were telling him, so as far as Harry was concerned they could work out their own damn problems for a change.

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