Revenue share

There are no upfront costs! It is free to translate a book and then convert it into the different file formats, publish it, update things like pricing, and track sales. This is a true partnership. Everyone —the rights holder (author or publisher), the translator, and Babelcube— make money as the book is sold through the sharing of royalty revenue.

The distribution of royalties is based on which band the cumulative book royalties was in at the time of the sale. The royalty share is split as shown in the following chart.*

The royalty revenue is based on the Net Sales Receipts** received by Babelcube from the retailer. Each individual book in each language is treated separately.

Example: Suppose that a book generated a gross income of $8,000 for the translation into one language. Each party would receive:

  • For the first $2,000, the rights holder would receive 30% ($600), the translator 50% ($1,000) and Babelcube 20% ($400)
  • For the next $3,000, the rights holder would receive 45% ($1,350), the translator 35% ($1,050) and Babelcube 20% ($600)
  • For the remaining $3,000, the rights holder would receive 65% ($1,950), the translator 15% ($450) and Babelcube 20% ($600)

In total, the rights holder would receive 49% ($3,900), the translator 31% ($2,500), and Babelcube 20% ($1,600).

* Revenue share show is for agreements signed since November 1, 2019.
**Net Sales Receipts  means the monetary amount received by Babelcube from sales of each unit sold by Babelcube and Babelcube’s sub-distributors, less any cash incentives, promotional discounts, sales or use taxes, excise taxes, value-added taxes, duties, distribution fees, and returns.