The ultimate instrument of justice by Peter James Ljung

A science fiction vigilante

The ultimate instrument of justice

Justin Webber an American national, now living in Göteborg and working as a grave digger, discovers a machine that dispenses justice! His parents were murdered when he was 15 years old, and moved to Sweden not long after. The machine turns out to be one of the most powerful things ever discovered! Trying to keep it a secret starts to become a problem when murderers are found murdered! A full scale polis investigation follows as more bodies turn up. The jouney takes Justin to different places and eventually leads him back to the United States to try and solve his parents murder.

Genre: FICTION / Action & Adventure

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Suspense

Language: English

Keywords: Ultimate instrument of justice, Peter james ljung, Thriller, Science fiction detective, Justin Webber

Word Count: 50,000

Sales info:

Hardly any sales. re edited January 2019. Still looking for that break as most authors look for.

Sample text:




Chapter   1

Göteborg present day.
One of the best eating places in Göteborg was the choice of Justin Webber. An American national, now living in one of the busiest cities in Sweden.                                                                                                                  

" Tin Tins, " a modern cozy place, with some of the best filled sandwiches ever. Justin’s favorite was chicken, with a sauce filling to die for. " To die for, " an unusual few words, but words that are just about to change his life forever.                                                 
Placing the delicious sandwich in front of him, the waitress smiled at Justin, and turned to head back behind the counter. Justin smiled to himself, as he looked up and down the perfect legs walking away. He liked the good things in life, like most people, and her legs looked as good as the chicken to eat.
Justin moved over to Sweden in the mid 1990´s, after his 


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