The Grand Army Of The Golden Eagle by H.L. Dowless

A new perspective on the war to end all wars

The grand army of the golden eagle

What you see before you is a true one of a kind American battle epic! Learn why God became angry with man. Learn who the son of Odin was! Learn who the great"Author" was how he defeated the evil Teutonic Kights and the Kingdom of the Dragon! Learn what his secret weapon was and join in the great victory celebration! Look into the future and see what awaits the mortals of earth! Get your copy today while you can!

Genre: FICTION / Alternative History

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Sagas

Language: English

Keywords: literature, fiction, Saga, poetry, epic

Word Count: 58000

Sample text:

Oh hear ye now, mortal men of earth, have I a tale of glory in battle to host, and of great warrior's valor boast! No battle on earth had ever been before that terrorized the sons 5
of men and laid waste to such innocence in the name of sin. Behold thy hungry hearts for words and sharpened swords for action! Grasp thy seats edge and place thy boots on solid ground, lend ear my sons, and see where great valor was found! …...
The blustery coolness of the great North wind gingerly caressed an ice enshrouded landscape. All were full of joy and genteelness, for the world was at an overwhelming ease in the eyes of grateful innocence. The eons of ages past had now faded into the murky pages of history, plunging a horrendous collection of battles beneath the waves of obscurity.
The gentle spring of peace had now settled among men, spreading harmony and goodwill from one unto the other. As the ages passed and men became more prosperous, they came to believe that wars were only fought by those who 6
exist in a state of complete barbarism. “Never,” said they, oh ones who swelled with such ignorance, “could the blood encrusted sword of battle ever again slash the throats of mankind,” as the somber veil of death settled upon the great French conqueror.
In truth, this master of evil tyranny had indeed been delivered into the hands of death, delivering all mankind from his vice like grasp, causing many to believe that a natural order had forever been banished from the earth for the duration of all eternity.
In those days new inventors, men of astounding creativity, transformed the rigors of daily existence into soothing ease. A single tug upon a small chain of silver produced instantaneous

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by André Weber
Translation in progress. Translated by Maricaro Dilan

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
