Semblance of Storms by Philip G Henley

A novel of writing, lust, storms, secrets and relationships...

Semblance of storms

All that is required, by his publishers is to write a fourth book, not like the flop that was his third. His successful first two books bought him fame, some fortune and disputes with his terminally ill father. He wants his son to help with his half-sister. If only her mom, wouldn’t give confusing messages on what she wants; possibly him. A family friend and lawyer will help, as he always has done but there are secrets in his past too.
His new book will be a tale of boy meets girl in his usual elaborate and descriptive style. His agent, wants him to produce it soon but he has his own pressures from his new investors. There might be a movie deal to be negotiated. The new investor is represented by an attractive woman who is infamous for other reasons.
His editor, wants him to finish the book so she can stop his publisher asking for the advance back. She hopes he has written something as good as his first published book. He does too. He needs to concentrate on writing this book not drafting anything else. Old lost, and possible new loves and lusts, keep distracting him. The idle beach lifestyle diverts him as do post pandemic visitors.
Just when he begins to make progress on the last chapters a hurricane approaches his home in North Carolina. If he goes to visit his father, another storm may await in Houston. His neighbor and that family add further complications and secrets that need to be hidden or avoided, especially from the FBI.

Genre: FICTION / Literary

Secondary Genre: FICTION / General

Language: English

Keywords: Relationship, Hurricane, Storm, FBI, Secrets, Wrotong, Lust

Word Count: 169000

Sales info:

Re-released after restructure and re-edit

Sample text:

The FBI or associated guards came and got me at 08:30 EST, as we were all being so precise on times. Instead of the interview room, I am promised thirty minutes in the allegedly not bugged legal privilege room. There is coffee in there and it is hot. I can smell it despite my own stench. I can still smell chlorine on my skin from my swim the morning before. My polo shirt is stained by my hand-drying efforts or just the sweat from my cell. It’s certainly not as lurid pink as it once was. At least the room wasn’t cold.
Campbell is waiting, he looks a lot better than I do. A full custom suit. “Get any sleep?”
“Not much; the cell door kept banging.”
“No shower or clothes either?”
“Sorry, not even a toothbrush, or a razor.”
Campbell notes something on a legal pad. “Coffee is drinkable.”
“Good,” I drink some.
“Tactics, just tactics, don’t worry.”
“I’m not. I have you.” I mean it. He nods and there is a slight smile. Probably, the first since Dad. “How are, Kimberley, Milly, Hayley?”
“Everyone is concerned. Kimberley has put the funeral on hold pending timings.”
“I meant to ask yesterday.”
“Eric, is aware, but so far nothing has leaked to social media. He hasn’t passed it on to Jerome and Kline”
“Could do without that.”
“Eric will speak with Kristen; she has been trying to get hold of you.” The FBI had my cell. I presumed they were too busy trying to break in to answer my calls.
“No surprise, she probably wants some edits. Kristen will be discreet.”
“Life goes on outside these walls. There’s nothing on Tandy being the source of leaks yet, either. I still doubt that.”

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Rebeca Rodrigues Vargas e Souza
Already translated. Translated by Rocio Lizardo

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
