Relax to Lose Weight by Melissa Martin

How to Shed Pounds Without Starvation Dieting, Gimmicks or Dangerous Diet Pills, Using the Power of Sensible Foods, Water, Oxygen and Self-Image Psychology

Relax to lose weight

You've counted calories.


You've gorged yourself on protein, then on carbohydrates.


You've dieted on grapefruit, chocolate and bananas.


You've run around the block for hours.


You've attended weekly meetings.


You've wasted money on expensive exercise machines.


You've drunk gallons of shakes.


You've gulped a thousand pills.


You've eaten a thousand meal replacement bars.


You've kept a weight loss journal or blog.


You've bought tiny plates to make your food portions look big.


You've spent thousands of dollars on special foods.


You've stapled your ears.


But you're still overweight.


Maybe you lost some pounds, but regained that fat, and more.


Now it's time to stop working so hard to lose weight and try it the easy way.


Relax and Lose Weight


It's the only way.


No jogging for miles.


No jumping around to a cardio DVD.


No tedious diets.


No special foods to buy.


No calories to count.


No fighting your cravings.


Stop stressing out about your weight. Relax and let your thin self loose.

Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Weight Loss

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Women's Health

Language: English

Keywords: how to lose weight, healthy weightloss diet, better health, diet that works, easy weightloss, exercise for fitness, yoga, pilates, balanced self-image psychology, deep breathing, drink water, relax, meditation, walking, avoid hunger, guilt, see yourself thin, carbohydrates, protein, fat, healthy fats, cortisol, stress hormone, break eating anchors, cheat days, dangers of obesity, youth, weight loss, fish oil, omega 3

Word Count: 21,000

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Besides Kindle, is also on CreateSpace and Audible.

Sample text:

Obesity is Either a Cause of, Or Another Medical Condition Associated with Insulin Resistance

Current medical research is showing many conditions we think of as separate diseases are really related manifestations of insulin resistance caused by eating too many carbohydrates and keeping the body in a state of permanent inflammation.

I have a friend who's worked a long time for a welfare agency taking disability applications. She tells me when an obese woman sit down at her desk she could write half the application by rote: arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes and, in more advanced cases, heart problems and/or cancer.

She says she connected the dots between these conditions long before medical science started talking about Metabolic Syndrome or Syndrome X.

Most people who begin diet programs such as Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig, buy diet books, take diet pills and sign up for weight loss programs at hypnosis clinics are women.

Therefore, most experts conclude it's mainly women who want to lose weight.

I believe this is only a partial truth.

Men Want to Lose Weight Too But They Call it "Building Muscle"

I suspect many men also want to look better and improve their health but they're just less likely to seek help (just as women go to the doctor a lot more than men).

After all, many men buy exercise programs promising them six pack abs. What are six pack abs but ordinary stomach muscles currently hiding behind a beer belly? The trainers selling these products understand men must lose a lot of fat to have the muscular body they desire.

Most men want to appear sexually attractive.

Most men want to live longer and in better physical condition.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Delphine Ramos
Already translated. Translated by Laura Fenati
Author review:
Laura is true professional translator.
Already translated. Translated by Ana Figueiredo
Author review:
Translator was easy to work with, and did translation quickly. I am glad to have her work on a second project.
Already translated. Translated by Vanesa Alvarez Ortiz
Already translated. Translated by Damla Akbay Ortaç

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