Power of Midnight Prayer by Gabriel Agbo

This book ‘Power of Midnight Prayer’ will certainly be one of the most comprehensive and most powerful books written on spiritual warfare. The choice of the title came from a wealth of experience, chilling testimonies and confessions, and a careful study

Power of midnight prayer

This book ‘Power of Midnight Prayer’ will certainly be one of the most comprehensive and most powerful books written on spiritual warfare. The choice of the title came from a wealth of experience, chilling testimonies and confessions, and a careful study of the word of God. It is indeed a very rich and well-researched work. It has been described as an incredible book. 

Here, you will learn of the enormous but yet to be fully tapped spiritual power embedded in the prayers done between 11:00pm and 3:0am. Do you know enough about the explosive powers of praise, prayer and fasting? Do you know what roles the angels of God, the Spirit of God and the fire of God play in our war against the kingdom of darkness? 

In this book, you will hear directly from the former grand occult masters of the colossal destructive impact that the name and the blood cause in Satan kingdom. What happens when Satan and his demons come directly in contact with these two most powerful elements in the universe? Why did Satan fall from his chair in a meeting because the name of Jesus was mentioned? 

Do you know about the enemy’s war strategies against the church, the Christians and the ministers? How does he bring down and sometimes kill ministers of the gospel? Who are the agents of the dark kingdom in the church? What roles should the prayer warriors play? 
What is the interest of the kingdom of Satan in human flesh and blood? Why human sacrifices in the occult world? Read various accounts from the former agents of Satan and even the media on sacrificing of humans and other chilling unprintable practices. Why would a woman pluck off the eyes of a crawling baby, slaughter her with all her crying and groaning, and then pound her flesh and eat? What does the occult do with sex? Can evil spirits and covenants be transmitted through sex? Why would a man sleep with a little boy, depositing snake in his stomach just to acquire power, wealth and position? 

You will find other explosive topics like wrestling with God, binding and loosing, smashing the gates, open doors, whole armor of God, gates of heaven and gates of hell. The twenty-one power-loaded chapters of this book will surely set you on fire for God. I bet you have never read anything like this before.

Genre: FICTION / Religious

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Religious

Language: English


Word Count: 80,000

Sample text:

One of the most powerful spiritual tools that God has given, but grossly neglected by Christians is the midnight prayer. Midnight prayer (or vigil) is the prayer done through the night. From the bible and through ages, the prayers done around midnight have always brought tremendous and unprecedented results. As a Christian, it is imperative that you live a life of vigil. There are levels you can never attain in the spirit without mastering the act of praying in the midnight. There are levels of revelations that you cannot get without prolonged midnight prayers. And there are also satanic strongholds, entities, thrones and chains that you may never be able to dismantle unless through prolonged midnight battles.

     The aim of this book is to awaken the church (Christians) to this great spiritual weapon made available to us by God. I believe (and by experience too) that any Christian that masters the act of praying in the midnight will ultimately control what happens in the day.

     Why pray in the midnight? Midnight (or hours between 11.00pm and 3.00am) is known to be the most spiritual active period of the day. You will notice that dreams, revelations, attacks, visitations from the spirit world (both by angels and demonic powers) often come by this period, especially when you are sleeping. And the reason is simple. Human beings are easily overwhelmed, influenced or controlled while asleep. Naturally, the body is always weak at this time, and this makes it susceptible to any spiritual manipulation. 

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Mignionette Fair
Author review:
Very beautiful work! Mignionette is very hard-working and easy to go with. Delivers on time and a perfect job. Thank you so much!
Already translated. Translated by Robert Wijngaarde
Already translated. Translated by Niko Randell
Author review:
Great translation as usual! Thank you so much for this thorough job. Hope we will do more.
Already translated. Translated by Bodart Christine
Author review:
Always great working with this translator. Thank you!
Already translated. Translated by nermin adel
Already translated. Translated by ioanna kormouli
Author review:
Wow! Wow! Wow! ioanna kormouli is the fastest and most reliable translator I have worked with so far. She is simply incredible efficient! Thank you!

Gabriel Agbo
Translation in progress. Translated by Aman Kumar
Already translated. Translated by Yopi Jalu Paksi
Author review:
Nice translation!
Already translated. Translated by Ionica Monticelli
Author review:
Wow! This translator is simply great! Very fast and sweet to work with. An incredible job!!!!
Translation in progress. Translated by Rose Nana
Already translated. Translated by Leandro Camargo Padilha
Author review:
A great work! So pleasant to work with Leandro Padilha. We will do many more.
Already translated. Translated by Ivana C. Fasano Cobas
Author review:
Great work! Thank you Ivana!
Translation in progress. Translated by Miriam Hägglund

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