Numerology is the use of the energy of numbers for character analysis and the prediction of the future and is relevant to everyone’s life. This book presents a full picture of traditional numerology, as well as modern numerology. In addition, the author describes a unique method of finding your daily lucky number.
In this book you'll learn:
.What numerology is, how it works, and how you can read numbers
.Where numerology comes from and how it developed
.How modern numerology differs from historical numerology
.The different numbers in your chart and how you can calculate them
.What each number in your chart says about who you are
.The energies associated with each different number
.Specific information about the different numbers based on their placements
.How to find your more advanced numbers, such as your money number or your hidden talent number
.How yearly cycles are influenced by the numbers
.What each yearly cycle means and what you will learn
.Reincarnation and numerology
.What your present incarnation means for your destiny
And so much more!
Numerology is the study of the mystical properties of numbers, and their meaning in daily life. Moreover, the letters of every human alphabet have a numerical significance, and therefore, everything that has a name also has a numerical value. We must not forget that musical notes are based on a numerological scale.
Genre: SELF-HELP / GeneralNumerology is quіtе соmрlісаtеd fоr some. It is nаturаl fоr уоu tо hаvе quеѕtіоnѕ іn уоur mіnd, but once уоu hаvе undеrѕtооd everything аbоut it, уоu will know how іt wоrkѕ аnd hоw numbеrѕ аrе calculated. In the nеxt сhарtеrѕ, уоu wіll gain mоrе knоwlеdgе аbоut numеrоlоgу аnd уоu will knоw whу ѕоmе rеlу оn іtѕ соnсерtѕ.