This book contains 105 poems aimed at making poetry reading an enjoyable adventure.

Dreams and nightmares

 Poetry can be a hobby for all, rather than being the preserve of academia. This book contains 105 easy to read poems aimed at making browsing poetry an enjoyable adventure. They will take the reader on a jolly ride of exploration and discovery in poetry. Those who are not used to poetry will find this volume a good basis for cultivating love for it. Welcome aboard the odyssey to Poetryland. 

     Themes covered range from the pleasant (dreams) to the unpleasant (nightmares). They are all issues of relevance in society, vis-à-vis love, crime, nature, death, youth and aging, religion and others.


Genre: POETRY / General

Secondary Genre: POETRY / General

Language: English

Keywords: Poetry Poems Dreams Nightmares Chrys

Word Count: 16978

Sales info:

About 70 copies sold to family and friends. There is the potential for high sales with some promotional backing.

Sample text:

Where are you, Flight MH370?

The mystery of your disappearance

While you glided like a majestic bird

Lights glowing in the sky with brilliance

Conveying from the first to the third

Generations of humanity in your belly

But suddenly lost in the oblivion of a chasm

Makes the world taste like bitter jelly 

Bottled up in the human cytoplasm.

So where are you lurking

Fuelling conspiracy theories

Like a beleaguered king

Nursing abdication worries?

The world awaits an answer definite



Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Paulo Jorge Agante Batistas Arnaldo
Translation in progress. Translated by Valentina Ferreira Orduna

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
