Combatives Drills For Self Defense by Neal Martin

Drills to accelerate and enhance your self defense training.

Combatives drills for self defense

40+ combatives drills guaranteed to enhance and accelerate your self defense training!

A book for anyone who wants to improve their self defense training, especially if you are new to reality self defense.

Drills for:

Multiple Attackers
Weapons Defense
Many more!

Genre: SPORTS & RECREATION / General

Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / General

Language: English


Word Count: 12000

Sales info:

Good sales, consistent. Positive reviews.

Sample text:

When I first  began  training in Combatives one of the biggest stumbling blocks I encountered was that I wasn’t exactly sure how I should  be training. I didn’t know too many drills to use in training and I had trouble finding them anywhere.


So this is why I decided to write this book.  I wanted to give people a resource that I didn’t have  when  I started Combatives training, a resource I would have  loved  to have  had because it would have  made  training a whole  lot easier!


As it was I spent a long time finding drills from everywhere and also developing my own. The drills in this book are the result of that searching and developing.


By no means  an exhaustive list (there are  many more  drills out there that I haven’t covered here) there are  still over forty  drills in this book that cover  all the  basics  in Combatives and realistic self defence training.


The drills listed are not set in stone. Consider each one as a framework in which there is ample room for progression and your own individual creativity. Use the basic structures to build your own unique drills.


If you are new to Combatives or just want to improve your self defence training, you will find this book very helpful. If you have been training in Combatives for a while now, you may still find some good drills to use in here.


Either way, enjoy the book and don’t forget to check out my other books listed at the end of this one!


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by David Arieta Galván

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
